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Ressources Québec Board Members Appointed

Montreal, May 2, 2012 - Sam Hamad, Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade, and Jean Bazin, Chairman of the Board of Investissement Québec, announced today the appointment of the Board of Directors of Ressources Québec, a new subsidiary of Investissement Québec.


Investissement Québec has been active in the natural resources sector for decades and has gained a solid reputation in the industry. It manages a portfolio of $1.7 billion in natural resources in the mining, energy, forestry, gas and oil sectors.


In its last budget, the Québec government recognized the expertise of Investissement Québec by creating Ressources Québec, a new subsidiary of Investissement Québec specializing in mining and hydrocarbons. The subsidiary will consolidate and leverage government interests in projects undertaken by mining and hydrocarbon companies.


The new Ressources Québec Board of Directors includes four women and four men who were selected by the Investissement Québec Board of Directors for their knowledge of finance and natural resources.


"I'm pleased with the appointment of these very qualified Board members," Sam Hamad said. "Their skills and expertise in finance and natural resources will ensure that the new subsidiary's operations will be of the highest quality."


The new Board of Directors is chaired by Jacques Daoust, President and CEO of Investissement Québec.


"I wish to thank the Ressources Québec Board members," said Jean Bazin. "They've agreed to take on the challenges ahead and to ensure that everyone in Québec benefits directly from development of the province's natural resources."


Ressources Québec Board members:

  • Jacques Daoust, Chairman of the Board of Ressources Québec and President and CEO of Investissement Québec
  • Robert Sauvé, Deputy Minister, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune
  • Christyne Tremblay, Deputy Minister, Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation
  • Hélène Lévesque, President, Experlead Corporation
  • José P. Dorais, Partner, Miller Thomson Pouliot
  • Glenn Kelly, President and CEO, CO2 Solutions Inc.
  • Louise Millette, Director, Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal
  • Nancy Orr, Consultant, Protocol Energy


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Investissement Québec 

1 866 870-0437
