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March 9, 2017

Investissement Québec Meets with Nearly 200 Investors at the PDAC Convention

Organized by Investissement Québec in cooperation with the Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles and the Bureau du Québec, the networking activity held alongside the PDAC 2017 Convention in Toronto showcased Québec’s most promising mining projects for Canadian and international investors.

A number of Investissement Québec, Ressources Québec and SOQUEM representatives, including Iya Touré, Amyot Choquette, Ryan Dermody, Olivier Grondin and Kim Ah-You, were on hand to capitalize on the presence of these potential partners and investors. Touré, Vice-President of Ressources Québec, took the opportunity to speak to investors and express Ressources Québec’s desire to participate in joint financing arrangements for Québec-based projects.


The annual PDAC convention, held this year from March 5 to 8, is the largest international tradeshow for professionals, companies and organizations active in mineral exploration and finance. The world-renowned yearly event attracts over 900 exhibitors and 22,000 attendees from 125 countries.


Québec has tremendous mineral potential


Québec is vast: its total area is 1.7 million km², of which only 1% is currently mined and 5% is covered by mining rights. With its favourable business climate and immense potential, Québec is a dream location for mineral extraction. Learn more.
