Solid support for the mining industry

Photo of workers in a mineIn Québec, mining compa­nies can count on solid support in the form of specialized research and development centres as well as a department of natural resources that backs exploration.

Cutting-edge research and development centres

CONSOREM Open a new window(French website)

The Consortium de recherche en exploration minérale (CONSOREM) is a mineral exploration research consortium representing various stakeholders (companies, universities and government agencies) active in the mining industry.


Its mission is to


  • develop modern techniques for mineral exploration,
  • facilitate the discovery of new minerals in resource regions,
  • develop a highly qualified workforce for mineral exploration; and
  • help stakeholders work together to find shared solutions to industry challenges.


Once your company is established in Québec, it can join CONSOREM.


COREM Open a new window

The Consortium de recherche appliquée en traitement et en transformation des substances minérales (COREM) is the foremost ore-processing research centre in Canada and one of the top centres in the world. Serving the mining industry, COREM delivers the benefits of a pre-competitive research program designed by consortium members. What's more, the model maximizes investment in pre-competitive research and prevents duplication of R&D efforts.

Synchronex Open a new windowis a network linking research centres at Québec's technical schools. There are four collegiate technical centres devoted to the mining industry, and their mission is to assist your company by offering technical support, promoting technological development and providing information and training.

Five Québec universities offer mining-related programs. World-class degrees can be obtained in such fields as mine operations, mining engineering, metallurgy, geomatics and geology.

A government department entirely dedicated to Québec's resources

The mining sector Open a new windowof the Ministère de l'Énergie et des Ressources naturelles , the Québec government's energy and natural resources department, is committed to Québec's mineral development. That's why it supports exploration by putting powerful tools at the disposal of mining companies.

The department produces a geographic map of Québec’s mineral potential for a variety of resources, showing the location of and identifying active mines and mining projects under development.

Several different geoscientific data banks can be integrated on the same computer platform to construct 3D common-earth models.

The Bureau de l'exploration géologique du Québec (BEGQ), which is responsible for acquiring and processing geoscientific data on the entire territory of Québec, presents its findings yearly.

Québec is a Canadian leader when it comes to geoscientific data. This expertise, built up over the last 150 years by the government, mining companies and universities, has been compiled in a free-access database.

A diverse, well-trained workforce


Photo of an engineer taking readings in the fieldThe mining industry employs over 45,000 people in Québec, which is renowned for its proficient, highly skilled workforce. In particular, there is an impressive pool of qualified engineers here: 63,000 in the Ordre professionnel des ingénieurs du Québec alone. Québec also boasts major world-class engineering firms with their own mining divisions, including Ausenco, WSP Global, Norda Stelo and SNC-Lavalin.

Strong supporting players

In Québec, we're innovative and used to working together. International companies can count on a diverse network of vibrant Québec businesses for support in areas such as specialized equipment production, environmental management and water treatment. Fordia, Magotteaux and Forage Orbit-Garant are just a few examples.

Orbite Technologies: One of the 20 most innovative technology companies

Photo of two biochemists in a labCanadian company Orbite Technologies earned a spot in the 2015 CIX Top 20, the Canadian Innovation Exchange’s rankings of Canada’s most innovative public technology companies. Orbite was selected for its proprietary mineral processing techniques, which allow it to extract all the high-value components from a wide variety of raw materials, including such industrial waste as fly ash and red mud.


Why choose Québec?
