The goal of Investissement Québec’s social media presence is to create a user-friendly forum for discussing developments pertaining to the Corporation and the businesses it supports, along with the Corporation’s products and services.
The Business Solutions and Strategies Division administers all official social media accounts belonging to Investissement Québec (the Corporation): LinkedIn Québec , LinkedIn International , Twitter , YouTube et Facebook
The goal of Investissement Québec’s presence on social media and other discussion-oriented digital platforms is to create a user-friendly forum for discussing developments pertaining to the Corporation and the businesses it supports, along with the Corporation’s services and products.
Comments that are off-topic may become future discussion topics, but they may be moved or deleted in the meantime without notice if Investissement Québec believes they impede ongoing discussions.
Anyone who fails to respect these rules may have his or her comments modified or deleted. In some cases, access to Investissement Québec’s social media platforms may be suspended.
Netiquette is the set of rules of conduct and courtesy that governs how Internet users behave on social media.
Netiquette evolves according to changing needs and situations. Consequently, Investissement Québec reserves the right to modify its rules at any time without notice.
Investissement Québec encourages you to convey your thoughts freely while remaining courteous and respectful. You are invited to make comments, share posts and express opinions that foster a healthy, stimulating discussion.
Investissement Québec will refuse any comments and photos that are
off-topic, illegal, inappropriate, obscene, offensive, threatening, defamatory, racist, abusive, discriminatory or insulting. It may delete any such content and bar their authors at its sole discretion and without notice.
Exchanges must not lead to quarrels or personal attacks between users, or turn into a private discussion between two users to the exclusion of others.
Investissement Québec does not tolerate identity theft. It reserves the right to delete any comment if the author’s identity is in doubt.
The views expressed on the Corporation’s social media platforms are the authors’ alone and do not reflect the Corporation’s position.
You must ensure that all comments you post on Investissement Québec’s social media platforms are authentic and respect the intellectual property rights, privacy rights and other rights of third parties.
Investissement Québec undertakes to answer all questions posed on its social media platforms in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the French Language CQLR, c. C-11 .
Using all capitals on social media can be interpreted as shouting and seen as aggressive. For that reason, comments with one or more words in all caps (except for acronyms and abbreviations) may be rejected or deleted.
The content posted by Investissement Québec on social media and other discussion-oriented digital platforms concerns developments pertaining to the Corporation and the businesses it supports, along with its products and services.
Comments that are off-topic could become future discussion topics, but they may be moved or deleted in the meantime without notice if Investissement Québec believes they impede ongoing discussions.
Investissement Québec responds to any questions or comments within 24 hours, except on holidays and weekends.
Investissement Québec does not review comments or questions but may moderate them. When you post comments or questions, they are displayed in their entirety. On some platforms, you may not be able to delete your messages once they have been posted. It is therefore important to think carefully about your comments and the consequences of posting.
For reasons of confidentiality, Investissement Québec does not comment on matters involving disputes, whether potential, imminent or in progress.
Investissement Québec reserves the right to comment on or respectfully rectify any incorrect or misleading information disseminated on its social media platforms.
Submitting messages repeatedly is detrimental to the quality of social media exchanges and is not tolerated. Posting the same comment repeatedly is considered to be spamming and is prohibited.
You may include a hyperlink in a comment as long as it links to a site or article that is directly relevant to the topic of conversation. Investissement Québec is not responsible for the content of these sites.
Commercial advertising, personal or commercial announcements and calls to action of any kind are prohibited and may be deleted without notice.
Investissement Québec does not take part in partisan conversations, which are inconsistent with its mission.
You must ensure that all content you post is authentic and respects the intellectual property and privacy rights of third parties.
Information posted is the author’s sole responsibility. Investissement Québec cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of this information.
By posting on Investissement Québec’s social media platforms, you acknowledge that your comments will be public and permanent. You grant the Corporation the free and unlimited right to use and distribute your content for any purpose whatsoever. You also agree that your comments will be indexed by Internet search engines.
Investissement Québec encourages you to consider your comments carefully and to refrain from including personal or confidential information.
As a public body, Investissement Québec is subject to the requirements of the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information CQLR c. A-2.1 .
For any problems related to Investissement Québec services, we suggest that you contact a customer services representative in one of the following ways:
Call Investissement Québec at 514 873-4664 or 1 844 474-6367
Visit our website
To report abuse, write to The comment in question is not automatically deleted as soon as you report abuse. A member of Investissement Québec’s Strategies and Business Solutions Division will review the comment during regular business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays).
We look forward to talking with you on our social media platforms!
The Strategies and Business Solutions Division team
Contact information
Business Solutions and Strategies Division
413, rue Saint-Jacques, Office 500
Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1N9
1 844 474-6367
Update: February 2022
Productivité innovation website (in French only)
Compétivert(in French only)