Innovation and creativity are part of Quebecers’ DNA, but it’s their ingenuity and sense of daring that allow them to capitalize on those strengths. Projects that put the province in the spotlight, all over
the world!
That tradition of creativity, daring and ingenuity is reflected directly in Québec’s labour market:
Here are just a few of the innovative companies operating in Québec:
Many players in the business world (large corporations, SMBs, research centres) are joining forces to carry out projects that spur development and open new vistas for key economic sectors. These partnerships come under the framework of the Québec Research and Innovation Strategy (QRIS) entitled Oser innover. Launched in 2017, the strategy aims to position Québec among the top 10 leaders in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in research and innovation.
Here are examples of such projects, representing investments of over $580 million:
Many Québec companies decide to form precompetitive research consortiums, thanks in part to government encouragement in the form of generous tax credits. By joining forces, these new partners are able to share the costs and risks involved in R&D projects.
Businesses and public sector institutions—universities, technical schools, technology transfer centres and public research centres—are joining forces to form industrial research clusters. These coalitions serve as targeted collaborative research platforms focusing on the needs of specific industries
Significant tax advantages for innovation
Generous tax credits to promote public-private partnerships are available in Québec, making research profitable for everyone!