Looking to break into the Québec market? Investissement Québec is the go-to partner for international businesses thinking of locating to Québec. Our team of experts provides the full range of services you need to set up in Québec and make your venture a long-term success. And once your subsidiary is up and running, our job is far from over! We continue working with you to help ensure your business stays competitive over the long haul.
Investissement Québec can help you secure the financing you need to get even the most ambitious projects off the ground. That includes loans, equity financing, tax credits and other forms of assistance—a huge range of financial solutions suited to your needs.
Consult our organization chart as well as the profiles of the members of our leadership team and Board of Directors.
Our industry-specific subsidiaries are equipped to handle specialized needs. You can count on Ressources Québec and its subsidiary SOQUEM to help drive your business forward.
We strive to offer the utmost in attentive, courteous service. Find out more about the goals and values that guide Investissement Québec’s dealings with its clients and partners.