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January 13, 2014

Investissement Québec Takes Part in Davos World Economic Forum

“The Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business” is the theme that will be discussed by over 2,000 political and business leaders at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2014, to be held in Davos, Switzerland from January 22 to 25.

Mario Albert, President and Chief Executive Officer of Investissement Québec, and Éric Dequenne, Director of International Subsidiaries, will attend the Annual Meeting. They will accompany Québec Premier Pauline Marois, who will take advantage of her trip to Europe to participate in economic activities in London as well.



The Davos Annual Meeting provides a unique opportunity to promote Québec, meet with business executives from head offices and encourage foreign investment. Québec companies known for their creativity and innovation will be showcased at a cocktail reception hosted by the Québec Premier and attended by the President and Chief Executive Officer of Investissement Québec.


To find out more about the advantages Québec offers international companies, click here.


January 13, 2014
