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May 16, 2018

Morgan Stanley Financial Technologies: Ten Years of Growth in Montréal!

On May 15, an event was held to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Morgan Stanley’s Montréal Technology and Engineering Centre. Specialized in developing financial technologies, the division now employs 1,200 specialists, far surpassing the original 400-employee goal.



Investissement Québec played a big part in Morgan Stanley’s decision to do business in Montréal, and that collaboration has continued over the years during the company’s various phases of expansion.


It is within this framework that Pierre Gabriel Côté, President and CEO of Investissement Québec, was invited to speak to the employees and partners of Morgan Stanley Montréal alongside Alan Vesprini, Managing Director of Morgan Stanley’s Montréal Technology and Engineering Centre, and Robert Rooney, Morgan Stanley’s Chief Executive Officer in New York City.


Mr. Côté highlighted the major spin-offs that Morgan Stanley’s presence has generated for the Québec economy, such as the development of its financial technology sector by attracting other companies and injecting new energy into the university research ecosystem.
