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Bromont, June 11, 2012 - Monique Gagnon-Tremblay, Minister of International Relations, Minister responsible for the Francophonie, Minister responsible for the Estrie region, and member for Saint-François, announced today that nearly $8.4 million in financial aid would go to General Electric Canada to be used toward a $64.1-million investment project at the GE Aviation plant in Bromont. The announcement was made on behalf of Sam Hamad, Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade, and Julie Boulet, Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity.
The government funding consists of $5.16 million from the Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation and $3 million from Investissement Québec. As confirmed by the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail, Emploi-Québec will also kick in up to $231,938 of funding.
The project will enable the Bromont plant, which makes components for aircraft engines, to set up two centres of excellence in research serving all GE Aviation plants worldwide.
"With 90 direct jobs created, the project will have great economic benefits for the region and for Québec's technological development," Gagnon-Tremblay said. "The project confirms Québec's competitive edge in the aerospace industry, a key technological sector here. Québec is again making considerable inroads into an economic sector that accounts for 42,000 jobs at 212 companies. So we are proud to support such projects, which help build Québec's reputation around the world."
"These major new assignments were awarded in a spirit of healthy competition at GE Aviation, which has over 80 plants across the globe," Hamad said. "Thanks to the plant's excellent performance on several levels and our government's support, the parent company chose GE Aviation in Bromont for these new global mandates. I am certain this important project will greatly benefit the region and the Québec industry."
"The Québec government is pleased to contribute to the boom in Québec's aviation industry by focusing on skill development," Boulet said. "To open GE Aviation's new research and development centres, 74 workers will have to be trained, including 66 of the new employees. Through their talent and expertise, these people will have a hand in developing the Bromont region, and their efforts will have a positive impact across Québec."
The centre of excellence in robotics will develop new techniques for the global aviation division. Its tasks will include designing generic software solutions to standardize the approach for integrating new robotics and automation technologies, including artificial vision systems. The solutions developed will then be introduced at the various GE Aviation plants.
The centre of excellence in test equipment and machinery will design equipment used in conducting tests in the development of new aircraft engines, like those from the new generation of LEAP-X turbofans.
"Like any multinational, GE wants to invest in research in places where there are qualified workers and where investment benefits are greatest," said Philippe Simonato, Plant Manager at GE Aviation in Bromont. "At our plant, we have gained solid robotics experience in manufacturing parts and components of aircraft engines. This expertise, combined with government assistance and incentives in Québec for investments and research and development, helped us win these two key mandates. They will enable our plant to hone the robotics expertise it has gained in the past years."
GE operates across Canada, where it has major manufacturing, sales and service facilities and about 7,000 employees. For details on the Canadian results of the GE global innovation barometer, visit the site .
Investissement Québec's mission is to foster the growth of investment in Québec, thereby contributing to economic development and job creation in every region. The Corporation offers businesses a full range of financial solutions, including loans, loan guarantees and equity investments, to support them at all stages of their development. It is also responsible for administering tax measures and prospecting for foreign investment.
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Political Attaché
Constituency office of the Minister responsible for the Estrie region
819 565-3667
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Press Officer
Office of the Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade and Minister responsible for the Capitale-Nationale region
418 691-5650
Jean-Pierre D'Auteuil
Media Relations Officer
Service des affaires publiques
Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation
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Investissement Québec
1 866 870-0437