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Montréal, December 10, 2013 – Élaine Zakaïb, Minister for Industrial Policy and the Banque de développement économique du Québec, and Mario Albert, President and CEO of Investissement Québec, are proud to announce the opening of an Investissement Québec office in Seoul, South Korea, a country whose strong economic growth points to a fruitful relationship for Québec.
“For the last 20 years, South Korea has registered sustained growth that has made it one of the world’s most vibrant economies,” stated Minister Zakaïb. “Québec’s many competitive advantages make it an ideal location for Korean businesses to pursue a wide range of expansion projects. Opening this office in Seoul will enable Investissement Québec to attract high-quality investments in key industries and contribute to Québec’s prosperity.”
Investissement Québec’s President and CEO met today with the Republic of Korea’s Consul General, Donghwan Choi, in Montréal. Together, they laid the foundations for a collaborative relationship that promises to be both wide-ranging and rewarding.
“We’re seeing a steadily growing number of Quebecers take an interest in the Republic of Korea and choose to do business with us,” noted Donghwan Choi, who is also the country’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Council. “I see productive ties being forged in key industries where we share advanced expertise, like mining, aerospace, ground transportation, IT, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Québec’s know-how and everything it has to offer in these sectors are very appealing to manufacturers and investors in my country.”
“South Korea is home to many world-renowned industrial groups of varying sizes that we’re planning to approach. We’ll show them that Québec has everything it takes to help them succeed in North America,” declared Mario Albert.
Dongho Lee was chosen to manage Investissement Québec’s office in Seoul, which is housed in the Québec Government Office. A native of Seoul, Dongho Lee is a graduate of Georgetown University and boasts many years’ experience on Wall Street and at large Korean corporations, including Samsung and LG.
About Investissement Québec
Investissement Québec’s mission is to foster the growth of investment in Québec, thereby contributing to economic development and job creation in every region. The Corporation offers businesses a full range of financial solutions, including loans, loan guarantees and equity investments, to support them at all stages of their development. It is also responsible for administering tax measures and prospecting for foreign investment.
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Source :
Pierre-Luc Désaulniers
Press Officer
Office of the Minister for Industrial Policy and the Banque de développement économique du Québec
Tel. : 418 691-5650, ext. 5918
Cell : 418 254-1175
Information :
Chantal Corbeil
Investissement Québec
Tel.: 514 873-7161